Monday, November 20, 2006
Happy Feet Beats Bond in Box Office
Huh?! Forget the fact that our newly elected Democrats already want to bring back the draft. You really start to wonder about this country when a movie about a tap-dancing penguin does better in the box office than a James Bond movie! It even beat Borat!
I don't know what to think. Was this country collectively high last week? Or are people really this consciously stupid?
I'm surprised no one has asked me about my announcement yet. It should be ready to start in December, but I'll tell you what it is a little beforehand.
Titanic and Jurassic park weren't childrens movies and they did quite well. There's no reason Casino Royale can't do the same thing. The only problem is that this generation wouldn't know a good movie if it was right in front of them. They'd rather watch some bland CGI movie over something with a strong plot, or God forbid, a storyline.
Fine with me. I'm not telling you what to think. I'm simply stating my opinions and impressions. There's really no reason to get in a huge arguement over what kinds of movies people like is there?
Anyway, you can take it any way you want, I just think you're looking too much into it that's all.
Pretty much, yeah.
"This is probably just a filler blog (no offense Cody) to keep the thing running until a political issue arises."
Yeah. Not to mention I have been working on my secret project a lot too so I have less time for writing longer posts. I'll be talking about that later though. I still have to recieve my secret package and and produce secret documents, and then beg for some secret money to pay for it all. After that I'll say what it is.
I thought nobody was responding to the hint dropping because nobody cared. No offense, but I certainly don't care what the secret is.
Regarding the movies you mentioned: I am interested in seeing all of them except for Borat. I'd question the intelligence of someone who paid to see that one.
Regarding the "Democrats" wanting to bring back the draft: that is a FALSE statement. Only two Democrats support this. Charlie Rangel and John Murtha.
No surprise, the issue is now DEAD.
Pelosi says "no" on Rangel's draft bill. Incoming House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-California, said Monday Rep. Charlie Rangel's, D-New York, call for a reinstatement of the draft is something he has long championed to promote shared sacrifice. But Pelosi, having just concluded a meeting with incoming House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer, D-Maryland, to discuss the Democratic agenda, said the leadership will not support the measure.
"It's not about a draft it's about shared sacrifice in our country", Pelosi told reporters in her Capitol Hill office. "Mr. Rangel will be very busy with his work on the Ways and Means Committee which jurisdiction is quite different, but he is a strong voice for social justice in our country. And that's a way to make a point that this war has not involved or made any shared sacrifice".
When asked directly if she supported the measure, Pelosi said "No. No".
Was there a reason for that little comment or are you just trying to be a jerk? If you want to talk about nobody caring go to your blog and check the comments you've gotten. Or lack therof.
Regarding the "Democrats" wanting to bring back the draft: that is a FALSE statement. Only two Democrats support this. Charlie Rangel and John Murtha.
Yeah yeah I know. Still though, the leaders in your party have got to put a stop to this kind of thing. You're in the spotlight now.
I wouldn't expect you to. That would be equivalent to Michael Moore getting excited over Bill O'Reilly's new book. The problem is that I don't have a big enough Libertarian audience yet. But the medium I will soon be using will make finding and audience much easier. And then I will be able to tell you to take your arrogant comments and shove 'em.
If you wouldn't expect me to be interested HOW is what I said "arrogant". You've made claims before that turned out to be wildly inaccurate. One needs look no further than your profile for an example. In it you claim that I'll find that you're a political commentator that I can really relate to. Right. You may no longer consider yourself to be a member of the Republican party, but you still subscribe to many of their ideologies. So why would anyone who is left of center relate to much of what you believe??
Regarding Bill O'Reilly's new book, "Culture Warrior": (from a non laudatory review) Bill is megalomaniacal, anti-intellectual, completely out of touch with reality, and an atrocious writer to boot. We haven't seen a worse example of a vanity project since "Our Socialism Centered on the Masses Shall Not Perish" by Kim Jong Il. The only question left is, how far off the deep end will Bill go before the lifeguard notices he's no longer coming up for air? (11/1/2006. Tom Breuer: Review of "Culture Warrior")
Cody O. said... Borat is hilarious by the way.
I'll wait until it comes to TV. Maybe I'll watch it then. What the following review points out is bad about the movie is pretty much what I expected...
"Borat" review: Cohen’s work is remarkably lazy. Whipping up a few crazy-foreigner accents? Trying to make unsuspecting people cringe when you say stupid things? That’s it? And that’s the catch to "Borat". It’s not that the movie is offensive or shocking -- in fact, the movie is ultimately neither of those things. It is merely unfunny, an unfunniness that grows into total boredom, and eventually into spite. This is the sort of comedy that’s so lazy you actively hate it. Not only is nothing in this movie is good at all, but everything -- every single stinking frame -- is downright awful. "Borat", plain and simple, sucks.
Robert M. said... Was there a reason for that little comment or are you just trying to be a jerk? If you want to talk about nobody caring go to your blog and check the comments you've gotten. Or lack therof.
I ignored his comments regarding this secret multiple times because I wasn't interested. He stated he was surprised nobody asked him about it. I was giving my reason why I didn't. So, no, I wasn't trying to be a jerk. Which is why I said, "no offense". Why would I have said NO OFFENSE if I actually did intend offense?
You can stuff your comments regarding the traffic on my blog. I'd rather have a well written intelligent political blog that nobody reads than a poorly written ill-informed political blog that is read by a few like-minded deluded fools. (offense intended for you, but not for Cody -- even though he does read your blog).
Robert M. Said... Yeah yeah I know. Still though, the leaders in your party have got to put a stop to this kind of thing. You're in the spotlight now.
What type of thing? Suggesting that if our country is to go to war that everybody should be expected to sacrifice? I don't see how this war can continue for much longer without a draft.
And I'm not even sure where this draft issue came up either. Nor you or I said anything about it this comment thread. In fact he's the first person to say the word
"draft" in this whole stream. I would suspect that he's reffering to a comment I made elsewhere but for the life of me I don't know why he won't debate it there not here...
Robert M. said... And I'm not even sure where this draft issue came up either. Nor you or I said anything about it this comment thread.
Cody referred to it in his original post. Second paragraph. It wasn't even that long -- and you couldn't read it? Perhaps Cody should be insulted.
For the life of you -- do you have it figured out now? Seriously, you need to do something about your reading comprehension problem!
I must tell you though that this "reading comprehension problem" crap is getting really old. Apart from making you look like a five year old, this claim fails to establish any credibility on your part, since it's completely untrue. See I get As on my Advanced Placement English essays. My final grade this quarter was a B+. (Due to a test, which no, had nothing to do with reading comprehension.) So why don't you grow up a little and stop insulting people you don't have a clue about eh?
The numbers of adelie penguins on the Antarctic peninsula -– the most northerly part of the frozen continent -– are falling as global warming takes hold. And experts predict that, as the climate change continues, they may abandon much of the 900-mile-long promontory altogether.
Global warming is also causing them grief in another of their strongholds, the Ross Sea. Two giant icebergs have broken off the Antarctic ice sheet and are blocking the way from their breeding colonies to their feeding areas. As a result they have to walk 30 miles further to get food -– no small matter when they can manage only one mile per hour. And, on the other side of the continent, thousands of emperor penguin chicks drowned near Britain's Halley base after the ice broke up early, before they had learned to swim. (Published on Sunday, February 3, 2002 in the lndependent/UK)
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